VOF Performs at local care home
VOF and Rising Tide had a blast signing for the residents of Shannex Quispamsis this week! The audience got to hear some great harmonies and also joined in the fun learning the Danny My Boy tag.
Rob Taylor June 23, 2024
VOF goes on the road
Voices of Fundy travelled to Fredericton June 9 to sing on River Valley Chorus's show. In addition to the 2 all-voices choruses, the show also featured performances from Elm City Echoes, a women's chorus from Fredericton, and Rising Tide, a quartet from Saint John. The climax of the show was the combined VOF/ River Valley Chorus which sounded amazing in the sanctuary of St Paul's United Church.
Rob Taylor June 9, 2024
VOF Awards bursaries to young vocalists
One of the highlights of VOF's An Afternoon of Acapella show was the presentation of two $500 bursaries to Jonathon Kean and Aleksa Kandic. Although VOF has no formal bursary program, chapter leadership felt compelled to recognize the contributions of these young vocalists as they continue their education.
Jonothan Kean is departing to study music at Dalhousie while Aleksa Kandic intends to study business with an eye toward becoming an entrepreneur while contuing to bolster his YouTube content creation efforts. Good luck to you both!!
VOF Hosts successful show
On June 8th. VOF hosted a unique no-cost community event showcasing local acapella talent called An Afternoon of Acapella. Emceed by well-known local musician, Frank James, the event featured performances from Voices of Fundy, Rising Tide and Sea Belles. The audience was treated to some fantastic performances as well as door prizes and 50/50.
The chorus would like to thank our local sponsors for thie support of this event:
Knights of Columbus Council 8364
New Wave Electric
Kerr Optical
Ears 4 You Hearing Centre
Seely Lodge Special Care Home
Friars Excavation
JA Excavation
CMV towing
CK Adhesives
Ray Carpenter
Terry Fowler
Wendy & Chewy
Leisure Time RV
RV Canada
Renforth Construction
Urban Landscaping
Ultimate Autopro
Rob Taylor June 9, 2024
VOF Suuports local fundraiser
On May 25, VOF was pleased to support a worthwhile fundraiser in support of St. Augustine's Memorial Garden. The event was held in the basement of St Matthews Church in Grand Bay- Westfield, and included a variety of acts from Sea Belles, Voices of Fundy, Before The Mast, Ukes 4 You, Urban Dance, & much more.
Rob Taylor May 26, 2024
Winner, winner!
We are thrilled to have been awarded Top Scoring Mixed Voice Chorus for 2024 in the Barbershop Harmony Society Sunrise Division Contest.This accomplishment is particularly exciting given that we've only been performing as an all-voices chorus since Sept.
We're also so proud of Rising Tide who were awarded Most Improved Quartet. What a weekend!! It was a lot of work and took a lot of support from spouses and coaches. Thank you everyone.
Rob Taylor May 12, 2023
outreach & improvement weekend a success
On February 23 and 24, Voices of Fundy funded and organized a multi-faceted event that included coaching for the Saint John chorus, and its performing quartet, Rising Tide, coaching for River Valley chorus in Fredericton and youth outreach at Forest Hills school. To lead the event, VOF made arrangements to bring in two renowned coaches from Nova Scotia, Sue Reid- who specializes in performance and Sue Kember who specializes in singing.
The coaching duo arrived first at Forest Hills School in Saint John where they facilitated a workshop with the students participating in upcoming spring musical. Under the supervision of Music Specialist, Jeremy Goguen, the students were lead in a vocal warm-up, sang some 4-part "tags" and learned some techniques for making their vocal performances more poignant. They were also treated to a performance from Rising Tide and joined the quartet on stage for a performance dedicated to retiring custodian, Perry.
After finishing with the students, Sue and Jill spent time coaching Rising Tide on their competition pieces for the Barbershop Harmony Society Sunrise Division contest being held in May in Sydney Nova Scotia. The two numbers they worked on during the session were Kentucky Babe and Slow Boat to China. "The coaching was phenomenal." said Rob Taylor who sings bass with Rising Tide. "I've never learned so much while having so much fun".
The following morning, it was Voices of Fundy's turn to receive Jill and Sue's expertise. Like the quartet, the chorus's time focused on the pieces they intended to perform in contest. Voices of Fundy's selections were As Time Goes By and Somewhere Over the Rainbow. There was a lot of chord-tuning and nailing down of the emotional plan for the song with one suggested interpretation for As Time Goes By being a scene of people shooting the breeze while sitting around a table at Tim Hortons.
Before returning to Nova Scotia, Sue and Jill zipped to Fredericton to coach River Valley Chorus on the songs they were working on for the Fredericton Music Festival. The ensemble won first place in their category.
Rob Taylor Feb 25, 2024
Young vocalist finds barbershop
Rob Taylor presented Jonothan Kean, a talented young vocalist, his Barbershop Harmony Society membership card at this week's chorus meeting. It's a joy to have him singing with us.
Rob Taylor Mar 11, 2024
feeling the love
Thank you greater Saint John! Thanks to your support we delivered 22 Singing Valentines this year. We began our day on CBC Information Morning with Julia Wright and also ended it with her as she had booked a valentine for her sweetheart to be delivered while they were out to dinner at Top of the Town. All funds raised will go to helping VOF continue to make music that makes a difference.
Rob Taylor Feb 15, 2024
2024 Singing Valentines are live!
Book yours HERE
Rob Taylor named Barbershopper of the year
Chapter President, Rob Taylor, was named 2023 Barbershopper of the Year. His contributions included reinventing the chorus as an all-voices group and initiated a new IT infrastructure.
Rob Taylor Dec 13, 2023
Vof quartet spreads Holiday cheer
VOF performing quartet Rising Tide was out in the community on Dec 21 spreading holiday cheer with no cost performances at businesses and community locations including the Saint John Regional Hospital.
Rob Taylor Dec 22, 2023
chorus hosts successful guest night
VOF had a great crowd at our Sept 25 Guest Night. In total we had 27 people in attendance. It was a great event!!
Rob Taylor Sept 26, 2023
Baritone celebrates 55 years of harmony
In another milestone, chapter Secretary Murray Scott presented George Smith with his 55-year membership card.
Rob Taylor Sept 18, 2023
Tenor receives 50-year pin
On Oct 2nd VOF President, Rob Taylor presented tenor John Wright with his 50-year pin from Barbershop Harmony Society. John began singing barbershop in in the early 1960s while stationed in Germany with the Canadian Armed Forces. He has sung with choruses and quartets throughout Europe and eastern Canada.
Rob Taylor Sept 11, 2023
guest night drives excitment
Voices of Fundy is busily planning for a guest night Sept 25 at 7PM at Lancaster Baptist Church 87 Church Ave on the west side of Saint John. The event is open to all community members who interested in what the chorus has to offer. The event will offer attendees the opportunity to learn vocal technique, sing several short songs, take in performances and enjoy some refreshments.
All voices are welcome. No experience is required.
Rob Taylor Sept 7, 2023
a new chapter begins
On Sept 5, 2023 newly rebranded Voices of Fundy held its first rehearsal under its new name. The event welcomed existing members and attracted new visitors who were excited to see what this vibrant organization has to offer.
Rob Taylor Sept 5, 2023
Chorus Re-Brands as Voices of Fundy, welcomes all singers
At our Special General Meeting on July 10, the chorus voted to open our membership to all voices. In light of this decision, I want you to know that we will continue to be a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, our legal name will continue to be Saint John Chapter SPEBQSA Inc and we will continue to sing 4-part acapella harmony in the barbershop style just as we have since 1968. The difference is we will be able to change more lives with what we do and we will be doing it under a new name: Voices of Fundy.
Our mission is to make music that makes a difference for everyone in our community and this change will enable us to do more of that.
Singing increases well-being. When you sing, your brain releases happy chemicals like dopamine, making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Your heart rate slows, stress levels plummet, and your immune system gets a boost. These benefits multiply when you sing in a group. Plus, you get the added benefits of higher confidence, camaraderie, connection and being part of something bigger than yourself. We want to share those benefits with as many people as possible. Rest assured we will continue to sing the rich 4-part acapella harmony that you’ve come to know and love.
If this sounds like a cause you’d like to get involved in, either as a singer or helping with administration, please message us or join us at one of our weekly rehearsals.
Rob Taylor Sept 3, 2023